CNN’s John King in Awe After ‘Uncommitted’ Beats Biden in Dearborn: Muslims Are ‘Telling the President Tonight That They Are Mad’


CNN chief national correspondent John King expressed shock on Tuesday after “uncommitted” beat President Joe Biden in the Democratic primary in Dearborn, Michigan.

While votes were still being counted, King reported that, at that moment in time, “undecided” was beating Biden in Dearborn with 75% of the vote.

“That’s a wow,” said King, shocked, after running through the numbers. “This is just the city of Dearborn, but that is the biggest pocket of the Muslim American, the Arab-American population. This is a place President Biden carried big time in 2020. This is key to his chances of defeating Donald Trump in Michigan.”

He noted, “In the city, we were looking at most closely for how mad, how mad are people at the president; that’s a very significant number out of Dearborn.”

“There are about 300,000 people who live in the state whose family roots tie back to the Middle East region,” continued King, before pointing to a map which showed larger numbers of “uncommitted” votes in regions with higher Muslim populations.

The CNN correspondent explained, “Yes, ‘uncommitted’ is getting votes everywhere, but the big concentration tells you, Jake, the president’s big problem. Muslim Americans who were critical, absolutely critical to his big margin in Michigan in 2020, are telling the president tonight that they are mad.”

While Biden’s situation improved later in the evening, with 97.9% of the votes counted, he still ended up being defeated by “uncommitted,” which received just over 56% of the vote – or 16% more than Biden.

Many Arab-Americans and Muslims in the state voted “uncommitted” on Tuesday in protest over Biden’s response to Israel’s bombing campaign in Gaza, which has killed nearly 30,000 people, including women and children.

“Some Dearborn voters who spoke to the Free Press Tuesday said that even though they voted for Biden in 2020, they don’t know how they would vote in November in a Biden rematch against former President Donald Trump if the president doesn’t change course on the war,” reported the Detroit Free Press.

The protest received support from Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), who said in a video that she was “proud today to walk in and pull a Democratic ballot and vote uncommitted.”

She concluded, “When 74 percent of Democrats in Michigan support a cease-fire, yet President Biden is not hearing us, this is the way we can use our democracy to say ‘listen.’ Listen to Michigan.”

Watch above via CNN.
