Damning New CNN Report Details How Biden White House Was Caught Totally Flat-Footed on Roe, Despite Months to Prepare

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The leaked Supreme Court draft overturning Roe v. Wade was published on May 3. When the official ruling was issued on June 24, the White House was somehow still caught totally flat-footed, according to a new report.
CNN’s Edward-Isaac Dovere authored a stunning piece, Tuesday, spelling out the ways in which President Joe Biden and the White House staff have failed to execute a coherent response to a major development on a key issue — despite having had the better part of two months to prepare. Dovere cited two dozen leading Democratic politicians and operatives in his report who presented what he called questions about the Biden White House’s “basic management.”
“More than a week after the abortion decision, top Biden aides are still wrangling over releasing new actions in response,” Dovere reported.
On the day the decision was issued, the White House was completely blindsided. Dovere reports that White House counsel Dana Remus “assured senior aides the Supreme Court wouldn’t rule on abortion that day.” Remarkably, a White House press aide charged with the abortion response was making a coffee run when the ruling came down — despite half of Washington and every major newsroom in America refreshing the Supreme Court website at 10-minute intervals at 10 a.m. on the morning of the 24th, and every morning in June when the Court issued opinions.
A week later, Biden held a virtual meeting with Democratic governors on the subject. But the meeting was so hastily put together, according to Dovere, that several invitees declined even to make an appearance virtually. And none of the governors showed up in person.
One Democratic member of Congress delivered a stunning assessment of the Biden White House to CNN’s Dovere.
“Rudderless, aimless and hopeless,” the congressperson said.