Bakari Sellers Calls Out CNN’s Kamala Harris Report While on CNN: ‘No One is Frantic’


CNN political analyst Bakari Sellers pushed back on a massive report from CNN on “entrenched dysfunction and lack of focus” from Vice President Kamala Harris and her staff.

The CNN piece — by Edward-Isaac Dovere and Jasmine Wright, who spoke to almost three dozen sources — cast Harris in a harsh light. When assessing her path as either a presidential candidate in 2024 or running mate in Biden’s re-election, Dovere and Wright noted that “Few of the insiders who spoke with CNN think she’s being well-prepared for whichever role it will be.”

Sellers, who endorsed Harris in her 2020 presidential bid, called out the reporting on CNN.

After expressing frustration with the portfolio Harris has been handed by the White House, he said “I have a larger issue with the tone and tenor by which Kamala Harris is covered, and I think we saw that in this article.”

“I have to push back heavily on this article and throw a little cold water on it,” Sellers continued. “I’ve spent a lot of time recently with the vice president’s office and no one is frantic.”

Sellers argued Harris “performed extremely well” on her trip to France, but “the only thing they mentioned about the French trip was the right-wing trope that somehow she was utilizing a French accent in saying ‘the’ instead of ‘the.'”

“When you have these articles come out it puts a lot of us in a defensive posture because we see that a lot of people are treating Kamala Harris the same way they treated Hillary Clinton, which is attempting to end her political career in a death by a million cuts,” he added.

Watch above, via CNN.


Aidan McLaughlin is the Editor in Chief of Mediaite. Send tips via email: Ask for Signal. Follow him on Twitter: @aidnmclaughlin