Fox News host Sean Hannity and CNN host Brian Stelter both interviewed British cleric Anjem Choudary in August, who has refused to condemn the tactics employed by ISIS. And now, an Australian news anchor is being praised for her “feisty” interview with Wassim Doureihi, the Australian spokesperson for the Islamic group Hizb ut-Tahrir, in which she pushes him to condemn the very same tactics.
Anchor Emma Alberici asked Doureihi if he condones the beheading of innocent journalists and aid workers, and after Doureihi was very clearly trying to avoid giving a response, Alberici said, “answer my question, please.”
“You are clearly obfuscating, and I did not invite you onto this program to do that,” Alberici said. “Why will you not, point blank, condemn the actions of IS fighters? Men that cut off the heads of innocent journalists and aid workers.”
Doureihi said the question was “offensive,”
Still, though, when given multiple opportunities to condemn the actions of ISIS on a national platform, Doureihi would not do so.
Watch the video below, via YouTube:
[h/t The Blaze]
[Image via screengrab]
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[Note: Mediaite intern Andrew Desiderio is a student at The George Washington University.]