New York Times Columnist Paul Krugman Ripped For Claiming No ‘Mass Outbreak of Anti-Muslim Sentiment’ After 9/11: ‘My Mosque Burned Down’

Neilson Barnard/New York Times/Getty Images
New York Times opinion columnist Paul Krugman found himself at the center of controversy after claiming there was no “mass outbreak of anti-Muslim sentiment and violence” following the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
On the 19th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks on Friday, Krugman tweeted, “Overall, Americans took 9/11 pretty calmly. Notably, there wasn’t a mass outbreak of anti-Muslim sentiment and violence, which could all too easily have happened. And while GW Bush was a terrible president, to his credit he tried to calm prejudice, not feed it.”
Overall, Americans took 9/11 pretty calmly. Notably, there wasn’t a mass outbreak of anti-Muslim sentiment and violence, which could all too easily have happened. And while GW Bush was a terrible president, to his credit he tried to calm prejudice, not feed it 2/
— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) September 11, 2020
“Daily behavior wasn’t drastically affected,” he continued, adding, “True, for a while people were afraid to fly: my wife and I took a lovely trip to the U.S. Virgin Islands a couple of months later, because air fares and hotel rooms were so cheap. But life returned to normal fairly fast.”
Daily behavior wasn’t drastically affected. True, for a while people were afraid to fly: my wife and I took a lovely trip to the U.S. Virgin Islands a couple of months later, because air fares and hotel rooms were so cheap. But life returned to normal fairly fast 3/
— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) September 11, 2020
Critics, including Arab-Americans and Muslims, accused Krugman of revisionism, pointing out that there was a significant increase in persecution against even Arab Christians.
“My mosque burned down,” declared Zara Rahim, an ex-staffer to former President Barack Obama, while other users spoke of being targeted for wearing a hijab.
My mosque burned down
— Zara Rahim (@ZaraRahim) September 11, 2020
— Zara Rahim (@ZaraRahim) September 11, 2020
I was in fourth grade and adult women would stop me in the street to tell me to take off my hijab.
— Johana Bhuiyan (@JMBooyah) September 11, 2020
On 9/11, my mother, who observes hijab, picked me up from school. A driver cut us off and yelled “f**k you Muslims.”
Next day, walking home from school, a man pointed his gun out the window of his house and yelled “keep walking before I shoot you Muslim kids.”
I was 11yrs old.
— Abdullah Hammoud (@AHammoudMI) September 11, 2020
Notable to who? I was a sophomore in HS & told not return to school until students/factulty felt ready. I was told to remove my hijab to blend in. While my mom dropped my siblings to school, a man came at her car with a bat. NYPD created the demographics unit to surveil Muslims.
— Tahanie Aboushi (@TahanieNYC) September 11, 2020
“Every Arab-American kid I knew growing up, including me, remembers being called a terrorist at school, even jokingly, and being ashamed of our language/culture,” recalled Syrian-American Catholic journalist Marlo Safi. “My brother has been called one in public by adults when he was a child. Christian, Muslim, didn’t matter.”
Every Arab-American kid I knew growing up, including me, remembers being called a terrorist at school, even jokingly, and being ashamed of our language/culture. My brother has been called one in public by adults when he was a child. Christian, Muslim, didn’t matter.
— Marlo Safi (@marlo_safi) September 11, 2020
The willful amnesia in this country is astounding.
— Waleed Shahid (@_waleedshahid) September 11, 2020
this is one of the stupidest things i’ve ever seen someone write.
— hasanabi (@hasanthehun) September 11, 2020
Literally no part of this tweet is true
— Adrienne Mahsa Varkiani (@AdrienneMahsa) September 11, 2020
“Overall, Americans took 9/11 pretty calmly” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
— Karl Sharro (@KarlreMarks) September 11, 2020
The fact that @paulkrugman and his family weren’t personally persecuted after 9/11 doesn’t mean that “Americans took 9/11 pretty calmly” or that GW Bush didn’t implement a series of anti-Muslim policies.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) September 11, 2020
9/11 was a tragic day for all Americans. Do not erase the experience of Muslims. After that day, hate crimes against us skyrocketed and we still live with the anti-Muslim profiling policies enacted nationwide by the government and law enforcement.
— Muslim Advocates (@MuslimAdvocates) September 11, 2020
I’m sorry what planet were you living on in the aftermath of the attack?
— Eoin Higgins (@EoinHiggins_) September 11, 2020
Pro-Bush revisionism from someone who is clearly out of touch with the fear and terror that pervaded Arab and Muslim communities as the government harassed, surveilled and deported them. And that’s not to mention the revenge wars abroad.
— Ali Abunimah (@AliAbunimah) September 11, 2020
A few days after 9/11, a Sikh man was shot dead because turbans are stereotypically associated w Muslims. A white supremacist killed two men and wounded a third on Sept 15th. Mosques were vandalised. The number of hate crimes against Muslims increased by 1,600%
— ines helene (@inihelene) September 11, 2020
ask any brown kid with a foreign name what going to school post 9/11 was like
— Rawan (@rawan) September 11, 2020
“Notably, there wasn’t a mass outbreak of anti-Muslim sentiment and violence.”
Not here for this historical revisionism, sir. Do better.
— Qasim Rashid for Congress (@QasimRashid) September 11, 2020