Wal-Mart Recreates the Twin Towers With Coca-Cola Boxes, Internet Goes Nuts


Sunday marks 15 years since the attacks on the United States on September 11th, 2001. There will be lots of events to commemorate the events throughout the country, and Walmart in Panama City, Florida attempted to convey the message of “never forget” with a display in one of its stores. Unfortunately they were off in their execution.

The store displayed Coca-Cola boxes stacked on top of each other to make the shape of the Twin Towers with an American flag behind them. On top, a banner read, “We Will Never Forget.” According to BuzzfeedShawn Richard was the first to notice and post about it on social media. He told Buzzfeed News, “We stopped and stared at it like, oh my god… Nobody seemed to be noticing it, it wasn’t very crowded, and I got the feeling that it had just been assembled. So we took some pics and went on our way.”

Of course, the Internet went nuts at the totally inappropriate show of patriotism.

According to Walmart, the display was being removed, and Coca-Cola gave Buzzfeed the following statement:

“This display was meant to honor local firefighters and to support their organization’s upcoming event. We sincerely apologize that anyone was offended or misunderstood its intent, and we have replaced the display.”

[H/T First We Feast]

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