9/11 Widow of Deceased Fire Chief Calls Out Biden During Memorial Ceremony


The widow of a deceased New York City fire chief called out President Joe Biden during her speech at the annual remembrance for victims on Wednesday morning.

Biden, along with Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump, all attended the somber ceremony at Ground Zero with family members and loved ones of the victims.

Joanne Barbara, widow of Gerard Barbara, an assistant chief in the New York Fire Department, criticized the president for comments he made about 9/11 at the White House earlier this week, shortly before the presidential debate.

“The elected officials here today show their respect and reverence to the families on September 11th. Or, in our president’s words, ‘do 9/11’. Quite a flippant remark,” she told the audience. “But please remember the September 11 families live it every day, not just on the anniversary.”

Biden said the phrase while speaking to reporters at the White House on Tuesday and listing his schedule: “I’m going up to my granddaughter’s birthday in New York. Then we’re going to watch the debate. And then tomorrow, I’m doing 9/11.”

Barbara also criticized the Biden administration for scuttled plea deals with three men accused of organizing the September 11 attacks, including the infamous Khalid Sheik Mohammed. The deal would have sentenced the three individuals to life in prison for the murder of 2,976 victims but allowed them to avoid the death penalty. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin rescinded those plea deals after they sparked outrage.

“It’s outrageous that our government could ever entertain the thought of granting the terrorists a plea deal. If not for the outcry of the 9/11 community, who knows what might have transpired. It has been 23 years, and the families deserve justice and accountability,” Barbara concluded.
