‘Disgusting!’ Adam Kinzinger Pens Scathing Column for Fox News Burying Trump and Vance Over Stolen Valor Claims Against Tim Walz

(AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File)
Ever since the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, ex-GOP congressman Adam Kinzinger has been one of the Right’s most vocal critics of former President Donald Trump. As such, it can hardly be considered surprising that Kinzinger — an Air Force veteran who served in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan — would attack Trump and Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) for their stolen valor claims against Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN). However, the venue for Kinzinger’s latest condemnation of Donald Trump is sure to raise some eyebrows.
Kinzinger, a senior political commentator for CNN, made a cameo for Fox News digital late Friday — penning a column for FoxNews.com in which he slammed Trump and Vance for going after the Minnesota governor.
“The attacks on Walz have proven to be not only false but also disgusting,” Kinzinger wrote on the Fox News website. “I will debunk the attacks that have been floating around. But first, keep one thing in mind: Donald Trump not only didn’t serve in the military, but he actively avoided service by claiming he had ‘bone spurs’—a diagnosis he received from a doctor who rented his office from Trump’s father Fred that the doctor’s daughter later called a ‘favor.’ Trump has spent his political career denigrating veterans.”
Kinzinger went on to debunk two false claims at the center of the controversy — that Walz abruptly left the service after learning of his deployment (he filed retirement papers well before his unit’s deployment), and that he did not attain the rank of Command Sergeant Major. (His rank was reduced because he did not serve long enough to retire in it.)
The CNN commentator closed out his Fox News column by flat out calling Trump a “draft dodger.”
“The attacks from anyone, especially Donald Trump, are a disservice not just to Gov. Walz but to anyone who served in uniform,” Kinzinger wrote. “Now, any military member thinking of running for office could be dissuaded because who knows how any part of your military record could be twisted or distorted to make your service look less than honorable…Serving in the military is honorable and must be seen as such, regardless of the veteran’s party affiliation. Donald Trump, a draft-dodger, doesn’t come even close to measuring up to Tim Walz and his decades of service to this nation. JD Vance should know better.”