Eric Trump Says His Father Should Pardon ‘Dirtbag’ Hunter Biden: ‘Can’t Go After Presidential Kids… Won’t Have Any Good Candidates’


Eric Trump said on Saturday that if elected to a second term in the White House, he believed his father should pardon Hunter Biden on federal gun and tax evasion charges.

The younger Trump joined the PBD podcast where he discussed a number of topics with host Patric Bet-David and guests Adam Sosnick, Tom Ellsworth, and Vincent Oshana.

Bet-David asked Eric Trump about former President Donald Trump’s comment earlier this week in which he said he was considering a pardon for President Joe Biden’s son if he is elected to a second term.

The younger Trump said he believed a pardon for Hunter would be appropriate and he explained why:

“Your father, for him to say, ‘We’re going to pardon Hunter Biden,’ and that’s on the table, that’s a big curveball for the opposition,” Bet-David said.

Eric Trump replied, “I hope he does. Honestly, I hope he does. I’ve probably seen legal lawfare unlike anybody else in the history of this country. I’m the most subpoenaed person in the history of this country because they couldn’t get to my father through the executive branch. Guess what they did? They came after the guy who ran a company. Right. And I had 111 subpoenas.”

The son of the 2024 GOP nominee said that he had been ruthlessly pursued by politically motivated actors.

“I’m talking about hundreds of millions of dollars worth of legal fees just to try, I’m a guy who’s never got a speeding ticket,” he said while maintaining he had done nothing wrong. He then explained why he believed Hunter Biden – who he called a “dirtbag” – should be pardoned:

Hunter Biden is going out and selling, you know, kind of finger art to people. At the same time, we can’t divulge into this country where we go after, you know, presidential kids. Right. When you see Baron’s room get raided by the FBI. Let’s stop, guys. This is it’s it’s gone into turmoil. And, you know, Hunter’s a bad kid. There’s no question about it. The kid’s got real problems. Right.


What’s he selling? Yeah, right. And we all know the answer to the question. Right? I’m asking rhetorical questions at this point. But, you know, why do you need 50 shell entities like, you know what, what product are you? You know, you’re not selling these beautiful hats. You’re not selling t-shirts. You’re not a media company. You’re not selling ads. Know, what the hell are you selling? But despite that, I think we get in a very, very dangerous spot if we create a kind of a precipice where you just go after everybody’s children, their wives, their family, What’s going to end up actually happening in this country? It’s already happened. You’re not going to have any good candidates because everybody’s going to say, I’m not signing up for this crap. It’s not worth it. Right. So you’re going to end up dealing with mediocrity, which is exactly what we’re seeing with Kamala Harris.

Watch above via the PBD podcast.
