After Cheney Loss, James Carville Says Problem For GOP Is They Have ‘Really Stupid, Evil’ Voters


Longtime Democratic consultant and commentator James Carville said in an interview with The Hill that the main problem Republicans face is their stupid voters who “don’t believe in evolution” and support Donald Trump.

Carville spoke with The Hill’s Niall Stanage about GOP primaries and the 2022 midterms in a series of clips released Wednesday after Republican and January 6 Committee member Rep. Liz Cheney lost in her Wyoming primary race.

Carville offered up what he says is the problem with such votes for the GOP, and brought up Lester Maddox, a segregationist Democrat who was governor of Georgia in 1967 and was succeeded in office by former president Jimmy Carter.

“The problem that the Republican Party has is … Lester Maddox, the former governor of Georgia, said famously, ‘The problem with the prisons in Georgia is the quality of inmate,'” Carville quoted. “The problem the Republican Party has is they got really stupid people that vote in their primaries. And when you have that, you’re going to get in – really stupid people demand to have really stupid leaders. And that’s where the Republican Party is now.”

In another part of the same interview, the pundit and strategist said that the Mar-a-Lago raid and Trump scandal could be the “biggest story since 9/11.” He stressed that Republican candidates should expect to have to address it, just as Democratic candidates should anticipate being asked about inflation.

Carville had criticism for the “silly” elements in his own party that pose problems during elections, singling out slogans like “defund the police” or the practice of veganism, and expressing his consternation that Democrats suffer more electorally for their issues than Republicans.

“Huge majorities of the Republican Party don’t believe in evolution. Alright. Huge majorities of the Republican Party followed Donald Trump,” he said. “But somehow or another, we pay a greater price for 11% of our people than they do for 65% of their people.”

Carville pointed his finger at the media for treating the two sets of idiots with the same degree of contempt.

“People that believe that the election was stolen and have a right to to storm the Capitol, which is a substantial number of people in the Republican Party, are evil,” he said.

“There’s, we have our, our people are kind of silly. Their people actually — Racism is evil. Alright. Misogyny is evil. I’m sorry. Alright,” said Carville. “A pronoun is, to me is – ok, fine. I mean, it’s kind of like, you know, if you want to be a vegan, I don’t care. Eat what you want to eat. All right? But but that’s not, that’s not the same thing.

“But yet the media is addicted to both-sidesism, ” he said.

Carville allowed that not every Republican is a stupid, evil, evolution-denying misogynist, however.

“It’s not you know, not all of it. There’s obviously some very high quality, you know, smart, patriotic Republicans,” Carville hedged. “But they’re not in the majority. And they will tell you that themselves.”

Watch the clips above via The Hill.


Caleb Howe is an editor and writer focusing on politics and media. Former managing editor at RedState. Published at USA Today, Blaze, National Review, Daily Wire, American Spectator, AOL News, Asylum, fortune cookies, manifestos, napkins, fridge drawings...