‘This Is Chilling’: CNN Anchor Thanks MSNBC Guest For Sounding the Alarm on ‘Terrifying’ Rise of Antisemitism In the U.S.


MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace spoke to political commentator Donny Deutsch on Monday about the rising antisemitism in the United States. During the interview, Deutsch sounded the alarm and argued that “people are feeling something in their stomachs in this country they’ve never felt before and they’re terrified.”

Deutsch shared the segment online, writing simply, “I said it.” His words quickly went viral and received praise online from rival network anchor Dana Bash of CNN, who shared Deutsch’s post and added, “This is chilling” and spot on.

Deutsch began the clip by noting, “Israel seems to be on trial, which I don’t understand, that Israel, people are saying ceasefire. And of course, none of us want violence. But there was a ceasefire on October 6th. And since that time we know what happened October 7th, beheading, raping, every inhumane thing that you can do, whipping babies at a mother’s wombs.”

“Eight and a half hours of sustained violence against a civilian population,” interjected Wallace.

“And by a group whose only mission is not real estate and it’s not protecting Palestinian people, they put their own people in harm’s way. They use them as shields. They’ve stolen billions of dollars of aid from humanitarian aid from them, their only mission is to eliminate Israel, eliminate all Jews,” he continued, adding:

That’s it. That’s their mission. And yet constantly, Israel seems to be on the defensive about explaining what the you know, obviously, Israel has to be very careful and it’s got to do things surgically. But no other group goes through this scrutiny. I mean, Joe Scarborough, our dear friend, had an amazing talk the other morning where he said, imagine if Mexico came in and Mexico had just did the same thing to us. Would people be saying restraint? Restraint?

And I also wonder, this is going to bring you back to the college campuses, all the pro-Palestinian, where were the pro-Palestinian chants when Palestinians have been oppressed in other areas? How is this pro-Palestinian or is it simply anti-Jewish and anti-Israel, which comes back to the campus? And what’s happening at the same time after Jews were attacked? It’s elevated and I need to read the things because it’s not just rhetoric. This is what was on the Cornell Bulletin board last night, ‘If you see a Jewish person on campus from home and slit their throats. Rats need to be eliminated from Cornell.’

Another one, ‘If you see another Jew on campus, if you see a pig, male Jew, I will stab you and slit your throat. If I see another pig female Jew, I will drag you away and rape you and throw you off a cliff.’ And it goes on and on and on. There’s a level of hatred. And I want to draw the line back to why Israel is in the defensive position after being attacked, because it’s about anti-Semitism and it’s about the hate towards Jews that is now surfacing in this country.

“So I have a school-age child who is learning about the Holocaust, and I think the Holocaust is taught as part of this commitment, right. That it should never happen again. And it usually elicits questions and it’s usually part of a curriculum. It usually makes people ask, especially young people, how did this happen? How did people not do anything? I think we have this real tangible illustration of how it happened,” followed up Wallace.

“It’s so heartbreaking. You think I have all my, every Jew I know is calling me and terrified for the first time in your life, being Jewish, they feel it,” Deutsch replied, adding:

You know, when you are a generation away from the Holocaust, from the annihilation of 6 million Jews being Jews, there’s something that goes from generation to generation and people are feeling something in their stomachs in this country they’ve never felt before. And they’re terrified. And I mean, just on the way here, somebody sent me a swastika that was drawn on a on a little candy store, a little shop in Montauk. It’s every day. It’s everywhere.

Columbia just came out and there are 100 faculty members endorsed students who said the militants had a right to do what they did. They didn’t even call them terrorists, that Hamas militants. There is something that for some reason, evil is not graded the same way when it’s against Jews and it’s against Israel. And I don’t understand that, I do actually, I do understand it.

“What is it?” Wallace asked.

“Anti-Semitism. There’s something about that. For some reason, Jews as a group, as a minority, there’s 15 million in the world. It would have been 250 million without the Holocaust. For some reason since the beginning of time. And I’m actually getting upset. It’s somehow okay to go after these people in a way that no other people. I don’t I’m not a history student. I just know the history,” he concluded.

Watch the full clip above.


Alex Griffing is a Senior Editor at Mediaite. Send tips via email: alexanderg@mediaite.com. Follow him on Twitter: @alexgriffing