Dave Rubin Says It’s ‘Obvious’ Candace Owens ‘Wants to Leave The Daily Wire’ — And Could Help Tucker Carlson ‘Take Out Ben Shapiro’


Conservative political commentator Dave Rubin told Patrick Bet-David on Thursday he thinks “it’s obvious” that Candace Owens “wants to leave the Daily Wire.”

Bet-David asked what Rubin thought about the dynamic between the colleagues, especially after Shapiro condemned Owens for her “disgraceful” comments on the Israel-Hamas war.

“There’s a pure business layer to it, which is that Candace has a contract with Daily Wire. I know nothing. I truly know nothing about the nature of the contract, or how long it lasts, or how much it’s for, or anything else. But it seems fairly obvious to me she wants to leave the Daily Wire,” Rubin said, continuing:

And I would say there’s a little bit of a Tucker thing here, too, which, Tucker [Carlson] is now building a network. It’s the Tucker Carlson Network. He’s gone after Ben, I would say, in a fairly unfair way. Repeatedly, going after Ben’s motives, saying he doesn’t love America, things like that…Ben has repeatedly — he did it on my show he’s done it on his show — and say, “I’ll be happy to sit down with you.” I’ve offered to moderate it, but you could moderate it, they don’t even need a monitor. I think it would be a good conversation to have. You can have difference of opinion on, say, foreign policy, or any political issue, without going after someone’s motives or saying they don’t love America.

But, at a business level, Tucker now has now has a network that’s in competition. He’s building a network now that is in competition with the Daily Wire. So, it would be pretty great to take out Ben Shapiro. That’s just reality.

I think there is an element of that. I’m removing just the specifics around Israel or politics for a second. And, I think, Candace, to her own — whether she wants to join Tucker or do something else. Start the Candace Owens Network, whatever it might be. I think there are realities outside of just like the political fights…she sees an opportunity here and she’s going for it.

Watch the clip above via YouTube.
