Screenshot via MeidasTouch
President Joe Biden said he couldn’t “generally” name any regrets he has from his four years in office, arguing his administration restored “America’s leadership in the world.”
Biden sat with the left-leaning Meidas Touch Network this week for an interview as his days in the White House come to a close and when asked about regrets, the president there wasn’t anything “generally” about his four years that he regrets.
“Any other regrets you have? Anything you would have done differently?” Ben Meiselas asked.
“Well, I guess if I thought about a lot about it, there’d be something specifically, but not generically,” the president said.
He went on to say he believes his administration restored America’s “leadership” — adding he hopes a deal for a ceasefire in Gaza happens before he leaves office — and saying he built an economy more focused on the middle class, despite inflation concerns among many Americans headed into the last election.
“I set out to do two things: restore America’s leadership in the world, and I think we’ve done that, and two, to generate opportunity for ordinary people to have a shot in the economy, and I think we’ve done that as well. And so we’ve changed the sort of measure for how to build an economy from the middle out and the bottom up, rather than the top down,” he said.
Earlier in the interview, Biden did admit a “failure” in communicating better on the economy, insisting some benefits “take a little time.”
He said:
The one thing I should have spent more time talking about is these things are going to take time to put in place. For example, when we decide we’re going to build a computer chip factory outside of Columbus, we’re going to invest billions of dollars in the construction of this, all the jobs are going to be created by the construction needs to do it… the problem is it’s going to take time to get them up and going, the same with almost all of the stuff we’ve done. So I think the failure to connect between what’s happening, the economy as a whole and what’s going to happen to the middle class Americans, as a consequence to what we’ve done, it’s going to take a little bit of time.
At the end of the half-hour interview, Biden was also asked what he wanted his “legacy” to be as president.
“That I kept my word, that when I said I was going to do something, I did it, and that my focus has always been about how to give ordinary people a shot,” he said.
Watch above via MeidasTouch.