Trump Defends Comic Tony Hinchcliffe Trashing Puerto Rico At MSG Rally: ‘He’s a Comedian and He Joked!’


Former President Donald Trump defended comedian Tony Hinchcliffe for trashing Puerto Rico at his Madison Square Garden Rally last week.

The GOP nominee joined Fox and Friends on their weekend programming where he discussed the “love” he felt at his New York rally at the famous sports arena. Trump then shifted the conversation about the controversy surrounding a joke Hinchcliffe told to the audience.

During the rally, Hinchcliffe appeared on stage and claimed Puerto Rico was an “island of garbage.” His comments sparked outrage as some pundits suggest it may hurt Trump’s standing with Puerto Rican voters in key battleground states such as Pennsylvania.

Trump defended the comedian during his Saturday morning interview with the Fox News panel.

Well, I guess somebody put on a comedian and he joked. He was a comedian. He joked. He mentioned Puerto Rico. And all of a sudden the Democrats – and they are good at this stuff, by the way. That’s the only thing they’re good at. They’re not good at policy. They’re not good at government. They’re good at other things. They’re very good at cheating. But other than that, they’re not good at anything.

So let me just tell, so, they come up, and a comedian put in early in the show, as a filler in all fairness. I guess he said some joke, I haven’t heard the joke, but he said some joke, and he mentioned Puerto Rico. All of a sudden they come out with something about Puerto Rico. Nobody’s been better to Puerto Rico than me. I saved Puerto Rico, when they had, they had some of the worst hurricanes. Really bad. I brought in the hospital ship, the Mercy. I brought in this massive hospital ship. I brought — There’s nobody, and Puerto Ricans will tell you that, nobody has done more for Puerto Rico than me.

They made this one comedian telling one little joke early in the show when nobody had even started going into the arena practically. they made this comedian, and they made the whole weekend, and they they took out this gorgeous, unbelievable. patriotic evening. And they sort of stained it a little bit by a comedian that, I have no idea who he is. He’s a man that was put there by very good people and well-meaning people. He mentioned Puerto Rico and they made it like a big deal.

These are professional people. And I always say if they would use that genius, okay? Because their genius for doing bad is quite good, actually. If they would use that to make America great again, we would have the greatest country, it would be so nice, and everybody would love them. But they don’t.

Watch the clip above via Fox News.
