Bill Maher And MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough Attack ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’: ‘It’s Not Deranged To Fear This!’


Comic and political pundit Bill Maher joined MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough in attacking the concept of “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” exclaiming “It’s not deranged” to fear former President Donald Trump.

On Friday night’s edition of HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, David Hogg was the interview guest, and Mark Cuban and Joe Scarborough were the panel guests.

In one exchange, Scarborough ticked through a laundry list of outrageous things Trump has said or has been reported to have said, and Maher mocked what his “Republican friends” say to such criticisms:

JOE SCARBOROUGH: What drives me crazy is this past week, like, I don’t want people to listen to me. I don’t want them to listen to you. I don’t want them to listen to any I want them to listen to what Donald Trump says. And this past week.


This past week. This past week, Donald Donald Trump said that he was going to use the military and the National Guard to arrest his political opponents. He was asked if he would back off of that–.

MARK CUBAN: And he said no.

JOE SCARBOROUGH: And he said no. In fact, he doubled down. He talked about Nancy Pelosi being evil, her husband being evil, Schiff being evil, talking about arresting them. He said he was going to execute the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff because he was disloyal to him. He told another chief of staff who was a general. “I wish my generals were like Hitler’s generals.”

MARK CUBAN: It’s a new season of The Sopranos. It’s crazy. I mean, it really is.

JOE SCARBOROUGH: I mean, but people and you know, you tell people this and they go, he didn’t say that. You show them the clip and then they go, He doesn’t mean that.

BILL MAHER: That’s it. And that’s when they say you have Trump derangement syndrome. And I would just like to say to my Republican friends, it’s not deranged to fear this! It’s not deranged to find this alarming!

JOE SCARBOROUGH: If he says it.


JOE SCARBOROUGH: Yeah. We’re not saying this. We’re not guessing what he’s going to do. He’s saying, no, this is what I’m going to get. The Supreme Court decision to get Liz Cheney in a military tribunal. His people have said they’re going to arrest my producers. He said he was going to shut down CBS because he didn’t like how they edited a package in 60 minutes. He’s out of control. His words.

Watch above via HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher.
