Comedian Forcefully Corrects Trump For Trashing America During Interview: ‘It’s Always a Great Country’

Screenshot via @AndrewSchulz on Twitter/X
Comedian Andrew Schulz had former President Donald Trump as a guest on his podcast for a friendly hour-and-a-half conversation. At one point, as the ex-president trashed the country he wants to lead again, Schulz stopped him to disagree with his assessment.
At around the 1:17:30 mark, Schulz asked Trump what he wanted his legacy to be. As his lead-up to his answer, Trump called the country “troubled” and a “broken-up mess,” blaming Democratic presidents for all of it:
Trump: I took over a country that was very troubled. This country was broken up and tremendous dissension. And Barack Obama started it. And if you take a look, it was very, very badly broken. And I think now with with [President Joe Biden], you know, let’s forget her for a second, but with Biden and her, part of it, big part of it. But with Biden, there’s tremendous dissension. The country is a broken-up mess. And it’s broken in a lot of ways. But what I would like my legacy to be is the same as the term MAGA, Make America Great Again. I’m going to make this country great again. It’s not a great country right now. It’s loaded up–
Schulz: It’s always a great country.
Trump: See, that’s–
Schulz: It’s always a great country.
Trump: Okay, but I say it has the potential and it was a great country. I think now there’s so much hatred and there’s so much dissension. I think when you have people that can’t walk down Fifth Avenue, when you have people that can’t walk down a street, it ceases to be we.
Schulz: Can always be better. We can always be better.
Trump: Yeah, but you can’t blindfold yourself to say–
Schulz: I’m honest about it. But to me, I’m really proud of America because I think that– I think I can be the best version of myself here. You know, I think that Donald Trump can only happen in America. Your life, what has happened to you? This is an American story. My mom’s life is an American story. Like my mother’s from Scotland. She comes here and has all the success and she’s so grateful of what America is. That doesn’t mean that we can’t make it better. I like the idea of making it better every single time, fixing these things when there’s leaks in a ship. But the idea of America and becoming the greatest version of yourself is something I’ll always be proud of.
Watch the whole interview on Andrew Schulz’s Twitter/X account.