Pod Save America Clowns Biden for Giving Liz Cheney — and Not Barack Obama — a ‘F*cking Medal’: ‘What Are We Doing?’

Pod Save America Hosts Roast Biden Over Medal Honorees

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Pod Save America hosts Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, and Tommy Vietor had each other nearly falling to the floor laughing while covering the recipients — including Liz Cheney — of presidential medals at a ceremony hosted by President Joe Biden last week.

One honoree that all of the former aides to former President Barack Obama quickly agreed had earned his medal was Democratic megadonor, George Soros, whom the trio acknowledged was an investor in their company, Crooked Media. Soros’s inclusion on the list of Presidential Medal of Freedom honorees drew fiery backlash from a number of conservatives.

“Well-earned Medal of Freedom, if I do say so!” Lovett said with a laugh.

“There’s a good one,” Favreau said after acknowledging Soros as an investor.

“He got one right,” Vietor added.

Then they moved on to roast whole process.

“It doesn’t make any sense. You can give it to living people, you can give it to dead people, you can give it to foreign nationals, Colin Powell got it twice for some reason, you can add a ‘with distinction’ flag with no real explanation for what that means,” Vietor said.

Liz Cheney did not receive a Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor, but received an honor right below it: the Presidential Citizens Medal.

“Liz Cheney didn’t get the Medal of Freedom, she got the one just below it, which by the way, pissed off some resistance folks on Twitter,” Favreau noted, adding, “I bet Liz Cheney could use a pardon more than the fucking medal!”

“Why is there a silver in this? What are we doing?” Lovett asked.

Favreau noted that while Obama gave Biden a medal of freedom, the latter did not “return the favor.”

“Obama gave one to Biden, and Biden did not return the favor,” Favreau said.

“That’s interesting,” Lovett responded.

“Yeah, well,” Favreau said laughing.

“I guess they’re not really on speaking terms, I suppose, after all that’s happened!” Lovett said, joining on on the hearty laughs.

Favreau recommended the selection process be more “independent” if this medal is supposed to be so “revered,” and knocked Biden for including David Rubenstein on the list of Presidential Medal of Freedom honorees. Rubenstein is a billionaire donor and Biden supporter. Biden often stays at Rubenstein’s pricey Nantucket estate.

“If you want to make it special and a revered honor, you kinda got to have some kind of independent body that is just, like, hey, president, here’s where we go — David Rubenstein got one who is like his house —?” Favreau said.

“He loaned Biden his Nantucket house,” Vietor replied.

“Come on!” Favreau said.

Watch above via Pod Save America (relevant portion begins 50:43).


Zachary Leeman covered pop culture and politics at outlets such as Breitbart, LifeZette, BizPac Review, HollywoodinToto, and others. He is the author of the novel Nigh. He joined Mediaite in 2022.