KISS Lead Gene Simmons Complains To Bill O’Reilly Rock & Roll Is Finally ‘Dead’ Because of Entitled ‘Freckled Face’ Kids

Gene Simmons Tells Bill O'Reilly Rock and Roll Is Dead

Screenshot via No Spin News

Kiss lead member Gene Simmons declared to Bill O’Reilly that rock and roll is finally “dead” thanks to “freckled-faced kids” who feel entitled to everything for free.

Simmons joined O’Reilly this week on his No Spin News and after the pair agreed President-elect Donald Trump is a “rock star” himself at rallies.

“Trump’s a rock star,” O’Reilly said after Simmons talked up the feeling of playing onstage.

“There’s no question,” Simmons said.

When O’Reilly asked for “one big change” in the music that Simmons has witnessed over the decades, the lead singer laid into his own industry and told up and coming rock and roll bands it might not be worth it to pursue your dreams today.

“Unfortunately, the business model is dead and new bands don’t have a chance, especially rock bands. In a certain way, rock is finally dead, rock n’ roll is dead because the freckled face kid next door to you, who is a good kid with a good family and everything, has become entitled, feels entitled to be able to download and file share and get all of this music for free,” he said.

Simmons added it “breaks” his heart for young musicians that they don’t have the same opportunity to build a platform like his band did. Those up and comers, he argued, are the ones people should be concerned about, rather than already successful bands like Kiss.

“Imagine you work for a living, you write a book, you sell groceries or whatever and people don’t pay you for the work that you do,” he said. “Then you understand.”

Watch above via No Spin News.


Zachary Leeman covered pop culture and politics at outlets such as Breitbart, LifeZette, BizPac Review, HollywoodinToto, and others. He is the author of the novel Nigh. He joined Mediaite in 2022.